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编辑:admin 时间:2017年03月15日 访问次数:1795

Post-doctors Available in Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Laser Physics

The Institute of Optics in the Department of Physics at Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) invites application for three Post-Doctor positions worldwide in the field of Quantum Optics. The appointment is 12 to 24 months with possibility of extension for another 12 months under mutual agreement. The applicants must have a Ph. D degree in Physics, preferred in Quantum Optics (but not exclusive). Candidates for the positions should send their application together with the following documents (a full resume, a publication list, a brief outline of research interest, and the names and contact information of two referees) to Ms. Wangjun Shen (沈望俊) (wjshen@zju.edu.cn). The deadline for the application is Dec. 30, 2019. Applications for the positions will be considered by a selection committee of the Institute of Optics chaired by Prof. Shi-Yao Zhu.

Salary Information: Annual salary starts at RMB 120,000 before the tax depending on the qualification. More information about the new postdoc policy of Zhejiang University (in Chinese) can be found at the link here.

Current research in the Institute of Optics includes cold atoms and BEC, light propagation in various media, Quantum Optics and Quantum information, such as quantum interference and coherence effects, entanglement, application of the meta-materials in quantum optics, and the interaction between light and matter (atoms, molecules and solids). More information about the Institute of Optics can be found in /pw/zjuoptics/.