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编辑:admin 时间:2019年05月14日 访问次数:471


Title: Complex traveling waves underlying cortical up-down states in sedated mice

Speaker: Prof. Changsong ZhouDepartment of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University (周昌松教授香港浸会大学物理系)

Place:  RM 101Bulg. 2Xixi Campus (西溪校区西二楼101)

Date and time: 16:00April 222019 422日下午16:00


AbstractUp (high neuronal firing probability) and Down (low firing probability) states have been widely observed in the cerebral cortex, which play important functional roles such as memory consolidations. However, the dynamical mechanism of Up-Down transitions and their spatiotemporal organization properties and principles remain unclear. We investigated the dynamical properties of various waves and their interactions using high spatiotemporal resolution optical voltage imaging of the upper cortical layers in sedated mice. Our analysis based on phase velocity fields revealed that there are only a small number of large-scale, cortex wide plane wave and synchrony (standing wave) patterns during Up-Down states. During transition of Up to Down state, a large plane wave swept across the whole cortex. Interactions of local sources and sinks can generate saddles and interactions of local wave patterns with large plane waves can induce a change of their wave propagating direction. Local wave patterns emerge at preferred spatial locations. Specifically, sources are predominantly found in cortical regions with high cumulative input through the underlying connectome. Our findings reveal the principled spatiotemporal dynamics of Up-Down states and associate them with the large-scale cortical connectome.


周昌松博士简介:1992年获南开大学物理学士, 1997年获南开大学物理博士,1997-2007年在新加坡、 香港、 德国等地从事访问研究洪堡基金获得者。 2007年加入香港浸会大学物理系浸会大学非线性研究中心及北京-香港-新加坡非线性复杂系统联合中心主任。周昌松博士致力于复杂系统动力学基础研究及其应用,特别是网络的复杂联结结构与体系的动态行为的关系和相互作用。近几年一直与国际国内系统和认知神经科学家紧密合作,把这些理论进展应用到大脑的复杂联结结构和活动以及认知功能及障碍的分析和建模等方面研究中。在国际交叉学术刊物PNASPRL, Physics Reports, PLoS Computational Biology等发表论文120余篇,SCI引用8000余次,H-因子为35 (Google Scholar引用12700余次,H-因子为44)。任 Scientific Reports 编委, Cognitive Neurodynamics, PLoS One学术编辑,及多种国际期刊常任审稿人2019获浙江省海鸥计划资助